3 Shades Black was excited to present Moving Scores in Beijing! We had an amazing group of musicians, and a full house packed into Mao Live House, the hottest live music venue and punk club in town.
Many thanks to Alan Lee for organising the epic event, and to all the fabulous musicians who really went the extra mile and gave an amazing performance. It was fascinating to hear the difference with a new ensemble of such different players and instruments.
Performers: Fabio Antonelli, Adrian LeungChristopher Young, Tim Khang, Martin Sawtell, Sophie Smith, Miranda Hill, Alan Lee.

Our beautiful rehearsal venue, The Children’s Palace.

The reality of multimedia rehearsals: technical difficulties and snacks.

The Venue: Mao Live House

Inside the bar.

First time there has been a seated audience in Mao Live House! The staff were somewhat bemused but really supportive and enthusiastic.

Group effort to get the piano on stage! Including two people who just wandered in off the street to see what was going on. Oops.

End of the night. Fabulous show!

In performance: Cubular Oceans, by Kathryn Goldie